Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Closer" to bad than good.

Hello hunnies! Dear Ida had the (un)fortunate (dis)pleasure of seeing the play "Closer" at the Marigny Theater this evening. Now allow me to say going into this that I am familiar with the source material, although not fond of it. "Closer" is a world inhabited with selfish people only concerned with their own libidos. "How could you not like it, Ida, when it seems right up your alley?" you may ask. Well, I'll tell you. I love selfish people who are concerned with their own libidos as long as they don't sit there and whine about their feelings for two hours, which is all these characters do. Now don't get me wrong, there are some real gems of dialogue in this play, but even they were passed right by in this production. It seems that the director in attempting to capture how cold and closed off these people are forgot to bring out some of the bitterness that is sloughed off by such characters. The overall feeling was flat and monotone.
That being said, there were a couple of things that didn't completely destroy Ida's faith in the craft. The scene design by Jessica Cook made fantastic use of the stage, and I enjoyed some of the subtleties of Scott Sauber's lighting design, particularly the shadows of the trees during the scene at the monument. Kerry Cahill as Anna attempted to bring some life to the role, but even she seemed mired in how pathetic her character was and afraid to ever really get angry.
I would recommend this show to fans of the script, but dollies, if you think that this show didn't drive Ida to the bar for some salvo, then you are only fooling yourselves.

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